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Beautiful summer fabrics to fall in love with

Summer. That means sunshine, ice cream and airy clothes. What about ours Fabrics has to do? Well, everything, because in addition to bright summer colors and floral patterns, we also offer feather-soft cotton fabrics that are just perfect for this time of year. Like you your new one Summer fabric find and what you should pay attention to, we present to you today; and there is also a bit of inspiration for summery sewing. So you will soon be able to wear your perfect new summer outfit on the beach or at the lake. Sounds good right?

The perfect summer fabric

What exactly the perfect Summer fabric matters is probably obvious. It should be easy. Who wants thick, firm fabrics that are way too hot in summer? Exactly, nobody. And especially when it comes to sewing clothes, the fabric should be loose and light, maybe a little wind permeable. We have a perfect summery picture in mind, because perfect summer fabrics go well with the sea, in the sun and with delicious ice cream. You already understand what we mean, don't you?

When it comes to colors, what you like is beautiful. Dark tones may not seem the right choice at first, but will work immediately if you use them particularly airy. This is also how black works in summer. Nevertheless, we opted for beautiful, summery bright colors and patterns for our fabric selection. Blue, pink, orange, the colors for this summer. Are you excited already?

Our choice of fabrics from all over the world

Women Gathering Bush Tucker Green, Australia: Admittedly, since Australia is almost automatically associated with summer, we could have chosen any fabric from our Aboriginal range. But we don't. It has become more of a small but fine selection. Like this little dream in green and red with small flowers, lots of dots and different circles. This creates a real summer feeling.  

Cauliflower Green, Togo: The petrol colored fabric with small pink and light blue elements is almost reminiscent of floating water plants in the turquoise colored sea. Pure summer, right? The beautiful batik fabric comes from Togo and is a little firmer, perfect for bags or other summer accessories.

Fresh Life After Rain Black, Australia: A dream in blue has really emerged from many circles and points. A beautiful dress made from this material would be our absolute favorite for the summer. Of course, the fine and light cotton fabric comes from Australia.

Classy Pattern, Ghana: The colors of the Ghanaian fabric remind us of a sunset on the beach. The only thing missing is a refreshing cocktail and the summery mood arises almost by itself. The fancy print is made of 100% cotton, very light and therefore wonderfully suitable for clothing such as dresses, blouses, shirts and trousers.

Circular Flowers Blue, South Africa: Simply blue and white, like the sea with its white foam crowns, like a pretty house by the sea, or your new beach bag. The medium-soft cotton fabric from South Africa is perfect for bags of all kinds.

Bush Tucker Dreaming Purple, Australia: How about a cute pair of shorts or a pretty skirt made of this wonderfully colorful fabric? The light fabric is just right for it and will attract everyone's attention.

Togo High Hats, Togo: Again, points and circles play the main role, this time in different shades of blue. The batik fabric from Togo would be something for a summer tunic or a pretty hairband, a pair of homemade espadrilles or a gym bag? 

Shell, Ghana: The traditional wax print fabric from Ghana is an eye-catcher all in orange. In addition to the geometric pattern in the background, there is a repeat of small ferns and a typical African nut. The fabric is wonderfully suitable for clothing, bags and summer decorations, for example a pretty seat cushion.


When it's really warm, sewing may not be the first idea you have. But great things can also be created on the sewing machine for the summer that we would like to arouse your desire to do it yourself. Because summer just feels even better in a self-made outfit. We know what we're talking about. Have a look at the beautiful one Jungle dress from Brigitte Kreativ on, so you can safely instruct your own Euchers Sew dress. Together with your favorite summer fabric, it can be used to create a wonderfully beautiful dress. Maybe you want to do that with a naughty one Binding cap combine, after all, none of you should get sunstroke. We also have sewing instructions for one Bucket bag for you, the perfect companion through the summer. And now? The best thing to do is to get to the sewing machine immediately while the summer is still hot.


The article was written by Svenja Habermann

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6 years earlier

Hi Colin,

I would like to test for a year whether I process the fabrics with a monthly subscription so that I always get the latest fabrics. Is that possible?
